I can't believe it's friday again. Our days are so full and so filled that they go by so fast i can't almost keep track of them. Homeschooling is nearly in full swing, i already had my personal crises over it and for the moment i could face it just changing my state of mind. I've been so worried to do it well i was basically take the public school here at home, then i started to relax and put my faith in the Higher Power that everything will be ok if i do it with my open heart, enjoying my kids and the time spent with them and just passing them my knowledge as much as i can and learn what i do not know alongside with them. I know hard moment will come again, but everytime i can overcome one of them i gain more experience to face the next challenge we'll meet in our new path.
Anyways, as i said it's friday again. And this means 'Special Night' again. Tonight was Milla's. I fried all the junk food, they cleaned the living room and set the table and the chairs in front of the tv. Milla was so so happy, she served all of us and she helped herself at the latest after we were all already eating. She chose the movie (Shrek III) and laughed and smiled all the time and went to bed happy kissing and hugging me so tight. This is something i love.
Well here some pic of today and my best wishes of a perfectly wonderful weekend spent with your families and dear ones :)
Blessings, Flavia
A glimpse of our homeschooling day
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Un abbraccio e buon anno home-scolastico!
Ciao Flavia,
indovina chi sta guardando le foto vicino a me...?
ciao e buon weekend!
Ciao Claudia ! Accipicchia ho aggiornato l'indirizzo appena letto, sai che avevo notato il 'problema' qualche settimana fa poi mi è completamente passato di mente. Grazie per la visita !
Sybille, anche voi avete una nuova accanitissima fan :)
Buona domenica anche a voi !
Ciao Flavia,
che emozione: ho appena dato un'intervista telefonica al Sole24Ore! Faranno un "Speciale Homeschooling". Uscirá sul mensile "24" allegato al Sole24ore del prima venerdí di ottobre. Spero di non aver fatto brutta figura :))
Sybille che bello ! Altro che brutta figura ! Sono sicura che avrai saputo esprimere al meglio cosa è per tutti noi l'homeschooling ! Adesso devo assolutamente ricordarmi a comprare il giornale !
Ciao !
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