Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday !

In the afternoon the kids all together finished a project Gaia started yesterday then they spent at least a couple of hours playing with it. I've been really happy, i didn't help them at all. Gaia had the idea and told brothers and sister what to do to help her. I only had to enjoy taking pictures of it :)

The four of them at work in the afternoon

Painting the streets of their city

Finished ! So it's a board game so to say. The four houses are their houses, Gaia wrote above each house 'House is Gaia\Leo\Seba\Milla' i know it's not correct at all, but i really loved the effort she made to write in English.
Each of them painted one of the houses, not his\her own. And each of them painted a moment of the day, dawn,noon,sunset,night.

Here a detail, the traffic light. As you see they used mixed techniques, including collage.

And here the four of them playing. They took a lego man\woman and a car and each of them was living in one of the houses. Then they started making stories, visiting each other's house, talking on the phone with the neighbor ... :))

Milla's house

Leo's truck parked in front of his place.

While they were playing i just sat knitting and crotcheting and enjoying the creativity of my little people.

I love them to pieces.

Have a wonderful new week !


Sybille said...

Fortissimi!, quanta fantasia e creativitá ci sta dietro!! Questi sono dei momenti bellissimi, vedere i figli creare insieme qualcosa di propria spontaneitá...
Buona settimana!

Flavia Sunshine said...

E' proprio vero :)
Buona settimana anche a voi !