Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sewing, weaving, embroidering

In the last days we all felt the call of yarn. In many different ways, all of them way fun.

Here Gaia using my wooden loom, she had great fun weaving and she would like to use the 'little blanket' for her dolls.

Gaia also asked me to use this little red loom and started embroidering, i'm not of course correcting her or really teching anything, i'm just so happy she has finally started on her own to appreciate all this, she has all the time to become more skilled, now she only has to learn LOVING working and being busy with her hands in a good way. Anyways she also has already finished one little embroidery

a purple flower. It's beautiful isn't it ?
And while Gaia was busy embroidering and weaving, Leo Seba and I made three more looms with those polystyrene box (those used for food in supermarkets ) for them to use

Here Leo making his loom

Here Seba has just started working with his loom

Here Leo's masterpiece for his horse

Seba is almost done ( he took around two hours to finish it ... )

Ta-daaa !!!

And here Seba teaching Milla how to weave. I find it priceless when my children teach each other things. I am so blessed, i've been given the huge gift of witness those special people's life from the beginning, witness love and faith blossom in their hearts ...

And while they were busy, i've been busy as well ....

A crotcheted shawl

Girls' warm winter's pajamas

Boys warm winter pajamas

And after all those indoors activity .....

Getting the soil ready for planting winter vegetables !
( Gaia was mowing the lawn ).

Have you ever felt guilty because you enjoy life ''too much'' ? Of course we have problems, of course we have struggles, but in the end i'm pursuing a dream i was sure would have been only a dream, homeschooling.
Isn't God good.

Have a wonderful week !


Sybille said...

Che bella idea! Quella con le scatolette del supermercato ve la copieremo prima o poi!!

Flavia Sunshine said...

Guarda a loro è piacuto da morire, hanno già pianificato oltre ad un guardaroba completo per i loro pupazzi anche un telaio più grande per tessere 'stoffoni' :)))... e devo dire che anche a me non dispiace è molto rilassante, dunque quando mi chiedono aiuto non mi tiro mai indietro :)