Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Milla's birthday and much more ....

Yesterday my little girl turned six. I'm sure i don't have to add anything else. It's my fault. I blinked, Gotta admit it. I blinked and she grew in the right moment my eyes were closed. Because really, REALLY !! , it was just yesterday ( and not six years ago ) that she was born laughing. Laughing, you read it right. Not just smiling. But a laugh eh eh eh . Doctors kept saying ' She is laughing' and she was on my chest, and i was watching her, and she was smiling and then laughing. What a great way to enter this world. What a precious priceless gift from above. Jesus must love me so much.

Before breakfast Milla opened her brothers and sister presents

Gaia's present

Seba's present

Leo's present

My aunts called to wish her Happy Birthday

Mom, Gaia and Seba baked the cake

Grandma wishes

Blowing candles


After dinner we put some music on and the kids danced on the chairs, it's been a blast

And the day before we had an appetizer of the celebration  .....

Crazy brothers in Santa's clothes ( we're making boxes for the ove and we find odd things everyday, don't you love moving )

Funny trio

Almost six :)

We had so much fun.

p.s. Do you like the felt crown ? I did it while homeschooling day before yesterday, i'll make another one and we're gonna let the birthday person to wear it all day long ( yes she had it on even when we went having lunch out !! )

I hope everybody is fine. Your notes and comments are always welcome !



Pom Pom said...

Birthdays are so much fun! It sounds like you spent the whole day celebrating! I love the happy smiles!

Sybille said...

Buon compleanno a Milla - alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

Unknown said...

ciao a tutti e tanti auguri alla mia nipotina "piccola" Milla!
Ci vediamo presto presto!!

Mamma Michela said...

Cara Flavia,non sò da dove cominciare!questo post è meraviglioso è bello condividere la vostra gioia,la corona è fatta benissimo e penso che ne prenderò l'idea per i miei ragazzi.Penso che il Signore vi abbia benedetto proprio con questi stupendi figli,auguri di cuore a Milla!

TEFL Ninja said...

Auguri Milla !

With love from another home educating family in Italy ( :