Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Leo and Seba market place
29 december 2008 usual funny day ....
Green thin felt, black buttons, paper ... 'Mom this is the best caterpillar i've ever had' in Leo's word the wonder of being mother, in 5 minutes you can make the best thing ever ...
Heart shaped potato, can't be nature the most amazing thing ? Who needs boring tv ...
And after lunch Gaia and Seba had a little show for mom and dad. Here Gaia presenting the afternoon ...
Christmas Morning - 25\12\08 (of course !)
....Someone's been here tonight ....
....Wow ... elephants ... and much more ....
Let's go for a wild ride ....
Unwrapping time, that's it ...
What is this .... could this be .... YES !!
Drum roll please !
oh please ... my baby is sleeping ....
Better take the young ones having breakfast in our room ....
Baby Jesus arrived ... Merry Christmas to everyone, with all my heart.
(pic of our nativity scene )
Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas dinner - 24\12\08
The table. I hope it could show the love i feel for all those around it.
Snowflake saucer cut out from baking paper, so that it could resist to every drop water might fell
Close up on the saucer. I think they came out quite nice. A good idea i'll keep in mind for special occasions.
Oh happy day, oh happy day
When Jesus washed, oh when He washed
When Jesus washed, He washed my sins away (oh happy day),
Oh happy day Oh happy day, oh happy day
When Jesus washed, oh when He washed
When Jesus washed, He washed the sins away
Oh happy day
He taught me how to watch and pray, watch and pray and we'll rejoice everyday,everyday
Oh happy day, oh happy day
When Jesus washed, oh when He washed
When Jesus washed, He washed the sins away
Gingerbread house - 23\12\08
Seba, Milla and leo watching closely the first step
Close up on the first step completed
Dear Mrs K, the art director af the afternoon, fixing a collapsed chimney ...
Decorating some more ( if you watch closely on the window in the bac
kground you can see the snowflakes we did the day before )
Done !!!!! Do you like our brand new gingerbread house
Gingerbread world !!!!!!!!!! :))
Gaia's and Milla's braids - 21\12\08
Milla from the side
Gaia from the side ...
Karaoke night - 20\12\08
So welcoming them at the airport here in Rome has been such a touching and hearwarming experience, and of course soon the fun begun.
On the same night we took them at the karaoke. Mr Ed felt immediately at ease and we all had a lot of fun. Following the evidences of the night :D
Mr Ed and Uncle Max singing together 'Wild Horses' the Rolling Stones hit
Milla and Mr Ed
Milla and Mrs K
Gaia on stage near Uncle Max while singing ' The Final Countdown' the Europe song from the 80s. Still she doesn't feel to sing, but she's getting closer and closer
A great night !
Gaia'a Christmas recital - 19\12\08
Close up of Gaia soon after the recital
Funny Milla acting in front of the camera
The foursome in the school corridor.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.
I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me;
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I'm proud to announce the birth of my husband's website
I wish him to realize his dream, i'm sure for the kids it's such a great example, to see their father work so hard creating something he loves and that will be a great thing for all of us. I already dream of a future when our boys will work side by side with him on our family business.
Good luck my love.
One of my husband's masterpiece. This jukebox arrived complitely worn out, and came back to his owner perfectly functioning and restored.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
16 years ago....
Yesterday at the karaoke night, my brother in law, that kid brother who took me meet his older bros, dedicated us 'Knocking on heaven's door', such a touching moment.
We were all kids, we grew together, we're graying together, we're nurturing the next generations.
The biggest gift i ever had.
Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Brother and sister
Anyways here a couple of pics of them
Aren't they absolutely lovely ? Aren't children a blessing in our lives ?
Advent Calendar
Here my latest Christmas craft, the Advent Calendar. Traditionally every year i make a new calendar, this should be the 5th year and the kids love it and expect it so much every year. So here it is. Along with it, it goes a small booklet of Christmas tales we'll read BEFORE getting to the calendar ;)
I love Christmas time ....