Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Florence\Firenze - A diary of our journey ( part two )

After the truck drove away with our stuff, we left for Firenze, to spend sometime with friends saying our goodbyes. The trip was a great pleasure, we were all very tired and welcomed the hours sitting in the car as a blessing. We stayed in Firenze one whole day ( on 20 ) and then left on 21 of april. We just took it easy, no touristic walk or anything similar, just relaxing and trying to figure out the huge step we just took.

Firenze, as you can see from piazzale Michelangelo

Having some fun :))

I might not be Michelangelo, but for sure she is one of my masterpieces.
Just eating an apple.

And what we find when we arrive at our friend's place ? Little rabbits !!!!!
So so so incredibly cute !!!!

I'm sorry I don't have much time to write in these days, I need also to send out some mails, but please forgive me, we're really really busy adjusting, and just finding out which path has been prepared for us from our loving Father.

I hope everybody is fine, and thank you so much for your comments dear friends, in this moment they are even more welcomed and cherished then usally.


1 comment:

Pom Pom said...

Such lovely photos! Are you all settled?