Thursday, October 30, 2008


It seems that finally this week we're having something that could seem fall
Today is the third day in a row of rain which is much welcomed here. Actually it's the third storm day, which is even better since i love thunders and lightnings and powerful wind, it makes me feel better and full of energy. Anyways ... the other day, i guess maybe tuesday, after we've been hit by the Nth storm ( or is it always the same calming down and roaring again ? Dunno .... ) Gaia informed me that there was a wonderful rainbow outside and that from our place you could see the end of it! Of course i HAD to take a couple of pics, never ever saw the end ( well or beginning ) of rainbow, usually it is just in the sky ... wonder if someone found the gold there ...

That's wild isn't it. Breakfast time now. There's school strike and the kids are home today,so let's the show begin now :)

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